2nd Working Session is defining the AM Designer for Polymers Profile for Industry

Within the scope of the AM Observatory activity, the 2nd online working session aiming to define a new Professional Profile for the AM industry - AM Designer for Polymers – took place on the 18th February 2021.

The session gathered 18 European experts in Polymers which entailed the co-analysis of the future Qualification structure and content, in terms of job description, entry requirements, learning outcomes and related workload.

Before this session, a 1st one had been organized on the 27th January aiming to define the job profile and job activities, as well to validate the overall structure of the qualification.

The next steps of this working process is illustrated in the scheme below, which is expected to be accomplished by September 2021 with the final release of the Profile / Qualification, but before the Profile will be delivered during SAM pilot courses planned to happen until July.